Sunday, March 24, 2013

Three ways of thinking positive

Energy : The force behind life is energy. You should always be be full of energy in every undertaking that you should believe that you will get it.

Attraction : You should always feed positive thoughts in your mind. If you have positive thoughts in your mind then only you can get what you want.

Opposites : There are always two sides of whatever you do in your daily life. One is negative and the other is positive. You should try to see the positive side of it.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

10 Positive Thinking Steps For Happiness

       The first step to being positive is to look after your body and mind. To ensure that you are in a good shape eat well, exercise regularly, sleep well and spend time with the family. A relaxed and healthy body is a natural attractant for positive energy.

2.       Reject and delete any negative thoughts that flashed through your mind. Researchers found out that an average person has about 65,000 thoughts being flashed through his mind on a single day. Why should anyone cling onto a negative thought? Make a conscious decision and do your best to get rid of negative thoughts.

3.       Hug your loved ones. By hugging, it increases your self-esteem.  It makes you feel comfortable and loved. Move past a cold and sturdy handshake, and hug someone you really love and care for.

4.       Make sure that you surround yourself with happy, cheerful people. Avoid friends who think poorly of themselves. This way your mind will always pick up positive thoughts.

5.       On a piece of paper, write down all the things that you are grateful for. They can be your friends, your colleges and your family. After you have done with the writing paste the list somewhere it is conspicuous so that you can see it every day. This will remind you of all the grateful for and not take the things you have now for granted. Most importantly, it keeps you happy too.

6.       Get out of the habit of fixing labels to the people and situations. Don’t say “I always knew it” “I always said so” “She never cared for me” “You have always used me”, etc. Such negative thoughts put you on the negative footing. They also lower self-esteem.

7.       Do not ever be afraid to speak up. You will never gain confidence if you do.  You do not need to bother what others might view you as you speak up as you are living your own life, not others. Opportunities may go away if you remain silent.

8.       Don’t think of the negative stuff when thinking happened. When your boss ask of you don’t think of him reprimanding you or giving you a sack. Life is unpredictable; he may want to give you a rise in salary for your excellent performance.

9.       Extend a helping hand to those in need. You can read a story of your neighbors’ mother who is crippled and can’t move; or you may go out and trim the garden of the orphanage on a weekend you are free. You will find that these gestures have a wonderful way of positive energy. They make you feel warm energetic and wanted.

10.   There may be times that you find it impossible to get rid of negative thoughts. At such time you should go out from your house for a walk or a jog. You can even go to the Jim and do some light exercises. Such activity takes your mind of the negative thoughts.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Use affirmations for thinking positive

Positive Thinking means to have positive attitude towards life. There are two types of thoughts that one has one positive and one negative. For a successful living you must have positive attitude towards life. Positive attitude here means that you have positive mind-set towards life. Positive thinking always results in making your life happier. It is not very easy to have positive attitude towards life you have to develop it through controlling your thoughts. You should always look forward to think affirmatively whenever you are stuck in something. The way you think is very important because it will impact the end result. Here are some of the affirmations that I use every day to think positive:

1.       I am healthy
2.       I love myself, my friends and my family
3.       I am faith in everything I do
4.       I believe in myself
5.       Impossible means I am possible
6.       I love my work
7.       I will succeed in everything I do
8.       I am loyal towards my family and friends
9.       I will do my work with energy

These are some of the affirmations that I use in my daily life to think positive. You can also have your own affirmations according to you.

Always remember that it is very important that every time your mind is having negative thoughts you should convert them to positive by using these affirmations.

People thinking negative at one time and positive the other are often the confused and they end in getting nothing.